5 basic tips to improve your iPhone photos
It's a fact: people are taking more and more photos every day. With a highly capable camera always on hand, opportunities that might have been lost in the past are now there for the taking. The only problem is... most of the times these photos could be a little bit better. I know I am always trying to improve my photography and whenever I use my phone to take pictures I try to follow these 5 basic tips.
Change your point of view. It is so easy to whip out your phone, pull it up to chest-level, point it at the subject and snap away. The problem with this method is that it makes your photos look like every other cell phone photo ever taken. Take the time to look for a different angle. Crouch down low or shoot from up high. More likely than not you will find a more interesting viewpoint that makes the picture just a bit more special. Also, repeat after me…never never ever pinch to zoom. Use your feet instead. Trust me, it will turn out way better.
Look for the light. Cell phones are getting better & better at taking photos in sub-optimal lighting conditions. Night shift and Night mode have been introduced in google pixel phones and the new iPhones. Even with this advanced technology, nothing beats having good light in your shot. If you are taking a photo inside, try to move your subject towards an open window. The light that comes in is usually a very even soft light that makes your subject look amazing.
Follow the rule of thirds. Do me a favor…go to your camera settings on your phone and make sure that the grid is switched on. This can work a bit as a “cheat code.” Try and line your subject up where the gridlines cross. It will immediately make your composition more interesting.
Create depth. A picture with only your subject can sometimes be boring. I always try to keep FSB in the back of my mind. Foreground, Subject & Background. It will create a more interesting composition that is likely to tell a more complete story.
Edit those pics. While cell phone cameras are getting better and better all the time, usually the initial product can be improved. Use an app to put the finishing touches on your photo. You spent a lot of time picking the right angle, looking for interesting light and choosing your composition, so make sure that you take another 30 seconds to make it look the best it can. Some apps that I use or have used in the past are Snapseed, Darkroom and even VSCO…sksksksk. If you have a specific look that you lean towards, these apps have presets or filters that can adjust colors and tones to match your preferences.
Here are some cell phone pics that I have taken following these suggestions…
The list of tips to improve your iPhone photos is endless, but these 5 are ones that I always try to follow. Incorporate them into your flow to see if it makes a difference!